Saturday, March 13, 2010

Springing Forward

This weekend we have to "spring forward." Every second Sunday in March, clocks are set ahead one hour at 2:00 a.m. local standard time, which becomes 3:00 a.m. local daylight time.

While I hate to lose an hour of sleep, I love what this ritual means...Spring is coming!

I'm using this opportunity to spring into motion some things I have been putting off, and I began last night with a massive desk organization project! I had a stack of files that needed to be put away. I took care of scattered notes that needed to be filed or digitally stored.

Next to knock of the to-do list: technical work for my websites....back up files and updates.

This week, I plan to spring back into my exercise routine. For the past month to month-in-a-half, I've fallen off the wagon. There is no excuse for not exercising at all during the day. I feel better when I do, my stress is more contained and I sleep better.

Finally, I'll be spreading out some spring seeds for future business. I've got a meeting set next week with a potential new web site client. We have a Bank.BiggSuccess client call to make next week. We are also joining an association next week for bank's to help our business growth.

Additional spring projects include: launching an online educational program, presenting another small business seminar for BankChampaign, speaking at CareerCampLA, getting geared up for the Successful Outstanding Bloggers Conference, and preparing for our upcoming speaking engagement at the Small Biz Social Media Summit.

Looks like I'll be losing more than just one hour of sleep!

- Mary-Lynn

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